It smells of voices, wind and basil

Liguria is placed in the North West side of Italy, bordering France, Piemonte, Emilia Romagna,Toscana and Mar Ligure.

Turism is one of the largest resources of Liguria: seaside-type tourism in the summer months and a climate type tourism in the winter months.

The main attraction of Liguria is the sea with 300 km of coastline: the Cinque Terre and the Gulf dei Poeti, the Gulf of Tigullio, Genova and the Golfo Paradiso, and the Riviera dei Fiori.

Famous tourist sites are: Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo, Sestri Levante, with the Bay of silence, Chiavari.

The provinces are: Genova (capital), Imperia, Savona and La Spezia.


Genova - Steffen Lemmerzahl

Cinque Terre with Portovenere and the islands of Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto and the five villages of Manarola, Riomaggiore, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso. Sanremo “the city of flowers”, known worldwide for the Italian Song Festival and the Casino; Bordighera and Alassio and Laigueglia Varigotti.

Genova, the ancient Republica Marinara with its “carruggi”, characteristic narrow streets; the Strade Nuove e Palazzo dei Rolli in historic centre; the beautiful Renaissance buildings included into Unesco World Heritage sites: Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria with precious paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck and Bernardo Strozzi; Palazzo Podestà and otrers. Don’t forget to visit the Aquarium, with dolphins, seals, sharks and colorful fish.

Cinque Terre_Josh Hild


Pesto - Nathalie Jolie

Well known is the Ligurian pesto made with Basil dop, pine nuts, garlic, parmesan, pecorino cheese and extra virgin olive oil dop. It is used with italian “pasta”such as “trenette”. “Ravioli with Borage” is another famous first dich. Among sea dishes we remember fish soups such as “ciuppin” and “stockfish buridda” and sardines stuffed and fried while among those of meat, genovese cima, veal stuffed with herbs and cheese, or Rabbit Stew with olives, pine nuts and Rosemary. To mention is also the “Fugassa”, a high and soft bread, covered with onion and olive oil.

Liguria also produces excellent wines such as Ormeasco and il Rossese di Dolceacqua, the Vermentino, the Ciliegiolo e the Bianchetta from Genova, the Albarola and the Pollera Nera from Riviera di Levante and the Pigato of Salea from Albenga.


In Liguria, thesea is the protagonist with the finest marine parks of Italy: Cinque Terre, Portofino, Bergeggi, Gallinara and the famous Santuario dei Cetacei, where whale watching lovers can admire the big cetaceans along one of the “blue roads on the sea”.

You can also go diving and seawatching. For mountain lovers you can enjoy trekking and all sports related.

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